Expertise and consulting for agri-food industry

Customised support to answer your issues in management of product quality and conformity to regulation.

consulting for laboratories

Support your clients with customised advise on site

Food companies are facing growing challenges about conformity, food safety, quality, and emerging threats. Analytical methods are getting more and more complex , as well as the need of analytical control. This complexity leads to other needs from your clients, well beyond the analytical core business, such as customised advice and expertise on site.

We propose to support your clients with customised advice from an expert with twenty years of experience in scientific and technical assistance for agri-food industry :

  • Audit and on site recommandation for production and factory laboratories
  • Support for analytical choice, sample representativity and understanding of the analytical techniques and their limits
  • Inter or intre-company trainingson food safety, standards, laboratory techniques and management
  • Set up and validation of technical specifications